The Application of Porcelain Crown Combining Fiber Root in Restoration and Preservation to the Residual Crown and Root of Anterior Teeth 铸瓷冠配合纤维桩在前牙残冠残根保存修复中的应用
Through its special metal porcelain dental materials and dental porcelain powder to help, have been sealed in a similar way dental crown on top, and then play a role in protecting root dentin. 烤瓷牙通过其特殊金属材料和牙瓷粉的帮助,已牙冠似的方式密封于牙齿之上,进而起到保护牙本质牙根的作用。
Clinical value of cast post-core porcelain fused to metal crown in restorating residual root and crown of molars 铸造桩核烤瓷全冠在后牙残冠和残根修复中的临床价值
Therapeutic effectiveness was observed on the restoration of the severe crown defect of the front teeth when treated with baked porcelain crown after one visit filling of the tooth root. 对前牙牙冠严重缺损者采用一次性药物根管充填,制作桩核,即时备牙,取模、制作金属烤瓷冠,从而明显减少了患者就诊天数及时间。